Are You Locked Down Sexually?

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Your Sexual Pleasure Starts in Your Mind

Are you chasing orgasms or are you inviting them?

Women often try really hard to orgasm, so much so that they are thinking or worrying about it as soon as they start to become intimate sexually with someone, or even before. Everything becomes focused on this one orgasmic event, they are never luxuriating in their sexual arousal and letting it build. They are monitoring and judging their bodies, questioning if they are ready for the next stage, focusing on making the sensations stronger, wondering “will I cum this time?” They become anxious, their minds filling with questions and doubts, willing themselves towards climax. They have become orgasm chasers, in hot pursuit of the earth-shattering big O. 

They are no longer on a sensuous and enchanting journey, taking in the magnificent landscapes along the way, stopping off here and there, taking time to be immersed in wonder of the place they are in right now, not thinking about how long the journey takes, perhaps not even wanting it to end because it’s so beautiful. They have become the anxious commuter on a delayed train and running late for a meeting, wondering if they should walk, take the bus or jump in a taxi to the office to make up the lost time, fearing whatever they do they may miss their scheduled meeting.

You may have seen Kaz on TV, heard her on radio and podcasts,
or read about her in magazines, and other online articles:

© Copyright 2021 Kaz Riley.  All Rights Reserved.

Got Shame? 

Discover in this free resource how to put shame in the past, and embrace your pleasure. Just tell me where to send your free guide:

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